When you think of Phoenix, AZ, you don't necessarily think "gay mecca" but there are some really cool gems to discover. Rainbow Cactus, up near Greenway on Cave Creek Rd., is one of those gems. It's not pretentious or snooty. It's a timeless bar that happens to be gay. No disco balls. No go-go platforms. No naked pixies running around to glamour you with Madonna renditions. Just come on in, grab a seat and a drink and chill the hell out. You're safe. Breathe easy, pal. Take a load off and talk to some really interesting characters. They have drag shows all the time. Find the schedule and plan to be there. Some performances are off the charts brilliant and others are less than spectacular. There's also karaoke, which is fun, even for me and I can't sing (voice damage). It's laid back and there's a lot of talented clientele who come in. Bring your girlfriends, your boyfriends, your parents too. Everybody is as welcome as they make themselves. That's why Rainbow Cactus has been named the "gay Cheers of Phoenix". That's why they'll be around long after the trendy bars of the moment have fallen away.