Okay seriously??? It's Saturday, October 21st 12:30 AM just so you can pin point exactly who was working the drive through. She was a Mexican girl, brown curly hair. I bought a gift card for Carl's Jr. This morning it worked just fine. I went back and after 20 minutes of sitting there in the drive through she said "sorry there's no funds" and hands it back to me. I called the number on the card and put it on speaker so she could hear it tell me that I had $12.17 on the card and she just stared at me and said "sorry" I asked to speak to a manager and she said "there isn't one sorry" are you kidding me? So I just wasted money buying this gift card that doesn't even work. Thanks. Maybe adequately train your employees to use the computers or how to use a gift card. I wasted money and 30 minutes of my life sitting there so you can just lie to me and say "sorry there's no money" when, in fact, there's $12.17. I'll be by in the morning to inquire from a manager why your employees don't know how to run a gift card and why your restaurant is being left unattended for poorly trained employees to not know how to let someone pay for their food.