**FYI** The church has purchased a building and their address has changed. Please check out the website for the new address.
My oldest son attends this church and asked me to come and visit. They purchased a new building around Easter. The church is in a more office looking building than what most people think of when they think of a church building/temple/synagogue. The 1st floor is indoor parking. They also have a small private parking lot the second floor is the Welcome Center and the children's area. The third floor is where the sanctuary is located.
They have 3 services -9am, 11am, and 5pm. Their service starts with a time of praise & worship. The music is performed by a drummer, piano player, a couple of guitarists, and a violinist. I really enjoyed the time of worship.
Then their is a sermon. What makes this a little different is that even though this campus of North Way has it's own pastor the sermon is given by one of the pastors that each shepherd a campus of North Way. So the sermon is "shown" live on a big screen that looks like the person is preaching from the platform where you are attending. It is streamed live from the main campus and each pastor goes to that campus to preach on their given Sunday. I thought it would be weird not having an actual pastor preaching, but you adapt quickly to the streaming. I find the concept interesting because you are able to see a couple of different preaching styles.
I was at the 9am service and it was comprised of a lot of young adults but there were a few older adults. I would definitely go back. It was nice to see that my son attends a wonderful church.