I've seen cars posted by this dealership on Craigslist not even mentioning a dealership, I thought I was buying from a private owner. The description is basically the same for every car posted, 1 owner...2 owners. I wouldn't be surprised if this dealer buys his cars off Craigslist and flips them. The car I had interest in still needed some work done to it (the part was in the car). When negotiating, the amount he had into the car was scribbled on top of a sheet of paper. He was willing to sell to me as a private seller which I'm not sure how legal that is since the car was at his dealership. The car was later dropped to my offer price which was a grand lose according to him at the the time. I question his repair order he had on the car as well, he doesn't have a mechanic on the premise and told me he takes it to dealerships of the car manufactures, I highly doubt that.