I have not seen Dr Moore for an eye exam so I do no know how he ranks as an optometrist. I went to his office, Uptown Eye Care, to purchase glasses because they accepted my insurance. Overall, it was a horrible experience. The staff does not know their inventory and do not call you when there is a problem ordering a frame. I called them 4 times over the course of a month to find out if my glasses had arrived and nothing got solved. I finally showed up there because I was so angry about waiting (a month!), but mostly because I had the feeling they were not doing anything to get my frames in. I mean, they NEVER called me. So I walked in and 40 mns later, the problem was solved. They had had the frames in their inventory the entire time! At Uptown Eye Care, as a customer, I had to be proactive, had to call them repeatedly and physically go there to solve the problems myself. I doubt I will ever purchase glasses from them again.