All of my worst concert experiences lie here, except the most recent being manageably okay at the Tyler, The Creator concert. However, after slithering out of the pit and resigning to the side, my group and I settled for the view despite having done pass the line. The reason for the two stars is that nearly ALL my photos were ruined by the huge head of the guard. So disappointing. I understand the reason for him - for safety and whatnot, but you'd think they wouldn't put the biggest guard in the way of at least 20 people's view. Don't bother paying for pass the line unless it's the most mellow show ever, because the GA in this place is like a pit of doom. Don't expect to SEE a good show past the extreme moshing and huge guard heads. Despite the signs they don't pull people out for pushing or smoking weed. If the artist is going somewhere different, AVOID the House of Blues. I know I will make an effort to.