This is first negative review I have ever written, this was hands down the worst hair 'experience' I have ever had. I spent years spending hundreds of dollars getting my hair professionally cut and coloured. I had heard great things about snipping good deals on GROUPON so I thought I would give it a try. I had cut my own bangs (very poorly may I say) and was her looking to have a nice 'fresh up' on my hair. I paid for 'highlights' she never once asked me what colour I was going for or what I would like to see, she just went behind a curtain and grabbed what seemed to be a already used bowl of dye. She threw a couple foils on my head and called it a day. She tiger striped me, I have bleached strips across my head. Then she started cutting my hair, ten times more then what I said I wanted. I trusted her and went with it, I didn't want to be rude and also I have no experience in 'hair care'. So I put my trust in the women with good reviews and a pretty website, which is my own fault. Then she cut her self. Literally cut a chunk out of her finger. Which isn't her fault, but seeing a chunk of your hairdressers flesh in the scissors was disheartening. All of this I may have let go. But at the end of the day I came in looking for a bargain and I left with appreciation for all those who take their work in the service industry seriously. Whether you charge 60 or 600 you should always take pride in what you do. I left 'hair by flora' feeling horrible about my self. Groupon or not I should at least get a proper blow out not some half assed 'shag and blow'.
Anyways, my hair will grow and life goes on but trust me when I say. Your better off doing your hair at home.
This woman has no right taking people's hard earned money.