In December my boss was flying into town to help celebrate a major service anniversary. I knew immediately who I wanted to bake the cake - Arai Pastry has been my first choice for all special occassions. I ordered a half sheet whipped cream chiffon cake. The filling too would be whipped cream with strawberries and the top was decorated artistically with mandarin oranges, strawberries and kiwi. The cake when we picked it up two days later was so picture perfect, it didn't look real.
Back in the office when everyone got to have a piece, the question asked repeatedly was where did this cake come from. Everyone commented how light it was and that it wasn't overly sweet like the typical sheetcakes from other bakeries. If you need a cake for a special event, this is the place to come. I ordered it over the phone giving them the 2 days notice they requested and then made special arrangements to pick it up early before the shop opened. Arrangements could not have been any easier and the cake was out of this world.