My next-door neighbor passed away, and whoever took over property management hired Branch Management Tree Service. The first time we found out about this was when my wife got home from work to find that one of their workers was asleep on the floor of our carport, and there were large tree branches scattered all over our driveway and our yard. The workers informed her they would clean the mess up. When I got home 2 hrs later they had piled all the branches in large piles (3 ft. high, 6 ft. long debris piles) on my yard and left. The next day they didn't come back at all. This morning they came back and unloaded all of their equipment in my driveway again, I asked who was in charge and spoke to David Scmidt. I informed him that I wasn't pleased that he had left things all over my yard, that he had been in my yard in the first place without asking, and that he had distroyed one of my bushes by dropping and leaving a log on it. He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language, didn't apologize, and didn't offer any explanation at all. I informed him I would be contacting the police, and only then did he tell his people to remove their equipment from my yard. I contacted the authorities and filed a complaint w/City Code Enforcement. We'll see what happens next.