I was awakened at 1:00am on Tuesday evening with a terrible pain in my big toe. As soon as 8:00 came the next morning I started calling podiatrists located near my home. None would see me, as a new patient, until the following week, even though I explained that I was in terrible pain. One did refer me to Dr. Bates. His wonderful staff got me in to see him at 9:00 Wednesday morning. Even though his office was 45 minutes from my home, I went to see him. I agree with other reviews that Dr. Bates and his staff are, hands down, the most caring people I have come across. He listened, and explained that I had gout and treated me on the spot. When I called the next day and explained that I was still in pain, he gave a prescription to my partner for a strong pain killer. I will get another great night of sleep thanks to Dr. Bates and his wonderful staff.
I would highly recommend Dr. Bates to anyone looking for help with foot or ankle issues. They are the very best !!!!