| - Absolutely do not--under any circumstances--do business with this company. They don't always fix things correctly, but the biggest issue is the owner's greed and lack of integrity.
My family and I have had the displeasure of doing business with this company 3 times, but I'll just share the issues I've had.
Encounter #1:
I bought an iPhone 4S off of Craigslist from the owner. I didn't know who he was--it was just your standard Craigslist transaction. The screen had a greenish tint--some other kind of glass? He said it was better, but I can tell you what wasn't better--the screen protruded further than the OEM glass, so the phone would NEVER be able to fit into a normal, protective case. Little did I know I'd be meeting him again.
Encounter #2:
A few months later, I found that the Facetime had never worked on the phone. Something wrong with a microphone . . . . I searched Craigslist for an iPhone repair person, and that led me to these guys. I brought the phone in. They "fixed" it. I took it home. It wasn't fixed. I took it back at least one more time (might have been two more times) before they actually fixed it correctly. By the end of this encounter, I was pretty frustrated with them. But wait--there's more. I needed two little screws for the bottom of an iPhone 4. How much did he charge me for these 2 little screws? $5. I suppose that price wasn't so bad . . . IF I WAS BUYING 200 OF THEM. But I paid it--I just didn't want to ever see him again. As I left, I thought to myself . . . "hey . . . is this the same guy I bought the phone from????" It sure was.
Never, ever, ever do business with these charlatans.