Went to pick up my order and ended up ordering the wrong size and the sales associate "Kimberly" was so rude and kept saying smart remarks as to why I ordered the wrong size.... First smart remark " you probably ordered this size because it is cheaper" I ignored it then she sized me and looked at me in discuss because I ordered a DDD And I sized a 42f!
She then had me try on a 42f witch was kinda big so I tell the other lady Amy I think her name was if she can order a 40f because the 42 feels big. Kimberly jumps in the conversation stating she bets I'll be back to return the bras and I Measured a 42 and it will be to small. So I go and try it on again and to me it still fills big and the 40 feels like a better fit. She still going on trying to bet Amy that I'll be back to return it. So now I call home to have my boyfriend check my other bra that I bought from lane Bryant that I liked and asked him the size n he says 40f so I tell Amy again if she can just order my bras a 40f... Amy stated they don't carry that color in that size and here goes Kimberly telling me again why I ordered that size she says " you probably ordered it in that size because you really wanted blue" I said that's not why I ordered it in blue... I thought since I lost some of my baby weight I can go down a size but Kimberly just thought she knew why I ordered everything.... I told Kimberly that she was being rude to me and that I don't like her slick comments and the looks that she was giving me and she wanted to just argue with me so I told Amy to just refund me my things and I'll go somewhere else!!!!
I left really upset because when I first spoke with her she was just being rude from the gate ... So I called to get her name with my sister on the phone and the whole time she just talked over me yelling as why I ordered the size I ordered still saying I ordered that size because it was cheaper... I couldn't get a word in so I hung the phone up !
I've never felt like this and it really bothers me that she's in retail because that's not how you treat people and you don't tell them why the bought something! You try to help them and make them want to buy products from your store!
The price or the color of the bras weren't even a issue at all... Now I know I'm still the same size so I'll just order them online to my home so I won't have any issues going in this store again !!!!
FYI I've never written a review or anything like this but just don't think it's right how she made me feel. Also another lady in the store left when I left and seen me upset in my car and came up and said "that wasn't right how she (Kimberly) handled that and suggested to right a review.