I found Myriad Real Estate Group right here on Yelp after 3-years in our west valley home. My wife and I worked with Dan and Katrina primarily during our experience selling that home and purchasing another home in Scottsdale. Several other Myriadites were involved in the process in varying degrees handling different tasks. They do operate in a team approach as billed, which took some getting used to as all my previous real estate professional experiences were with one individual. It's not that I was apprehensive with the approach but I will admit the thought crept into my mind hoping handoff from one person to another is going to be as smooth, accommodating and professional as the previous. I will say that every person down the line whether in person, by telephone or just an email exchange was great. We would like to make special mention of our dealings with Katrina on the buy side. She was with whom we really spent the most time and my wife I felt she understood our goals. She really did her homework based on input provided and truly was there every step of the way. And she is simply put the nicest person. On the sell side our west valley home sold in 1-day on the market at a bit above our asking price. You can't go wrong with those kind of results. Much of that praise goes to Dan and Skyler for their up-to-the-minute market awareness, marketing preparedness and action plans. You can tell these kids by appearance have a wealth of industry savvy along with current technology experience they leverage to the clients benefit.
Myriad has myriad contacts to help you along the way from quality contractors like those needed for inspections to plumbers, bankers and such. In fact I can quickly capture three related stories. 1.) Katrina's recommended sewer line camera inspection proved invaluable as a major problem was found. Thankfully the problem was rectified in negotiation and we got the house with a new sewer line at no cost to us. If we hadn't taken Katrina's advice we would be looking at a surprise major plumbing bill out of pocket. 2.) Myriad posts their trusted vendors at their website and by coincidence they list one that I had used previously with glowing results. And I hired this particular plumbing company again (named Belsito) to do some minor work at the new house in preparation for a water softener/reverse osmosis system. 3.) We are talking with yet another Myriad recommended referral on a possible room addition. I thoroughly researched them before considering and thus far very-very early on they have been a good source. So a major find to a pleasant minor coincidence to new possibilities all speak to the quality of their referral partners.
All-in-all we had a great experience related to timing, experience, personal connections and gained understanding there are new and different ways to arrive at a successful conclusion. Myriad not only sold for us, they sold us on their deft team approach. Whether you've been a lifelong Phoenix metropolitan area resident or a relatively newcomer to the valley like us I highly recommend them for your next real estate move.