Cons: Not super scary. Very expensive and arguably overpriced. There are stairs in the haunted house but no warning of those stairs for people with knee/mobility issues. It's incredibly dark around the stairs, but if you take out your cell to make sure you're safe, you get yelled at and potentially kicked out. They should warn people or, better yet, have a disclaimer. Also, I got fake blood on me that won't come off :) We also ran into another group at the end that kind of ruined the last 5 minutes of our turn.
Pros: The actors were committed/talented and the experience was interactive. The story is solid. The scares that manage to leave an impact are great. It's fun that the haunted house is in a GoKart place, and that you can get a few drinks beforehand. Conveniently located, as well. The company that does the haunted house has other events throughout the year. I might check one out after this experience!