What a joke! The only people doing their jobs are the ones in billing. Oh, they'll hound you, even though their doctor didn't actually help you.
Doctor Sharma was kind enough to prescribe me a steroid without running a single diagnostic. Wow! When I had a bad reaction to it, I called him and he promised he'd get labwork I'd had done for something else transferred to his office for more insight. Never did. Called him again when I went off the meds (another bad reaction) and he prescribed MORE of the same crap, then made MORE empty promises about getting lab work that he never did do.
Finally I went to another doctor who was appalled at the prescription given and had me get an x-ray (yes for the same thing Dr Sharma just threw steroids at).
This place is a joke. I feel like they're putting on a play about a doctor's office rather than actually operating one. But hey, at least there's no wait because they can't hold onto any patients!