I would go even lower if I could. We went to see Adam Carolla at Stand Up Live and were very disappointed. It wasn't even standup. It was a filming of a podcast. Not Adam by himself but a phony morning show setting with 3 no name actors he interacted with. Worst part it wasn't funny. Next worse part is it cost me $41 a person to be an unpaid extra in this bs podcast. It actually had commercials we had to sit through too. It was a horrible misrepresentation in the part of Stand Up Live. When you goto stand up live you expect stand up comedy. Way over crowded too. Literally had to sit with strangers completely packed in like sardines.
It was like Adam thinks he still is on man show. Your not. Get back to your roots as a stand up comedian and quit trying to gouge every cent by filming podcasts under the rouse of stand up.
Everybody in the ground was pissed too. It wasn't just me.