Hormone unbalance: I have been going to Desert Wellness Center to see Dr. Ezrre for almost a year, I can not tell anything but excellent things about her, she takes her time to listen to you, explains you why you are feeling discomfort but most importantly she helps with your symptoms and making you feel better. I feel so much better now after seeing her and following her advice with natural medication. Thank you so much Dr. Ezrre!!!!
Hormonas desbalanceadas: He estado asistiendo a Desert Wellness Center con la Doctora Ezrre por casi un anno, no tengo mas que decir excelentes cosas sobre ella, es una persona que toma su tiempo para escucharte y te explica el porque te sientes mal, pero lo mas importante es que te ayuda con tus sintomas y a sentirte mejor. En mi caso despues de ver a la Doctora Ezrre y tratarme con medicina natural, me siento mil veces mejor. Muchisimas gracias Dr. Ezrre!!!!