When Leak Dr. Plumbing was still Leak Dr. Plumbing I had a home water filtration system put in. In part I'm at fault for not questioning at the time a discrepancy between estimate warranty and actual warranty upon installation. One was 10yr labor and other was 2yr labor with 13yr parts. At any rate I'm now moving so I called to find out how to transfer warranty to new owner which is when I found out it's now ACE Home Services that bought out Leak Dr. Plumbing. They are not willing to honor any warranty for new owner. Just a bit disappointing to spend so much money and not be able to take advantage of original contract without notification business no longer around. ACE Home Services should change/get rid of any reference to Leak Dr. Plumbing. And Leak Dr. Plumbing could have done a better job at transfer of business and existing clients.
On a different note - Leak Dr. Plumbing raved about the system they talked me into and as it turns out it's not that great. I still have horrible/hard water, still have to drink bottled water and get buildup on faucets/pipes. Wouldn't recommend whole house FLOW TEC system/descaler. Money down the calcified drain!