I tried to go to Guu a couple of weeks ago. My husband and I knew about the long waits and showed up prepared to wait. The noise level was deafening the moment we stepped inside. We were pointed towards the waiting area, which was a tiny tent attached to the side of the building. I stepped inside to find people crammed in like sardines. Within seconds, I felt dizzy and nauseated. My husband and another friend who joined us for dinner also felt ill.
The tent was heated by a huge propane lamp. They are not meant to be used in enclosed spaces, and this tent was tiny. The carbon monoxide from the lamp and the low oxygen levels due to the volume of people in the tent were the likely cause of the dizziness that all three of us felt. We left and found dinner elsewhere. The second we left and got outside, we felt better. The kicker was that even though my husband asked the staff to take our name off the list, we got a text from Guu an hour and a half later saying that our table was ready.
I'm not a fan of the "no reservations" policy that seems to be on the rise, not just in TO, but other major cities as well. If you're going to insist on such a customer-unfriendly policy, at least have a bar where people can sit and have a drink. I've read rave reviews of the food at Guu, but I can't imagine any meal that is worth sitting for nearly two hours in a tiny, cramped room while we all slowly run of oxygen. I won't be making a second attempt to eat here.