Went in for a tire change came away with one broken wheel lug nut and another partially cracked wheel lug nut because the manager used another lock lug key 6 point that he had instead of using the one for my wheels a 12 point. The assistant manager PEDRO said that the 8 point key is what they used on everywheel with that lug style and that my car was old and came from the east coast and thats why my wheel LUG was broken. So instead of taking blame for using the WRONG wheel key. They tried to make me pay for new wheel STUDS that they would have to break (impossible with wheel lug partially broken holding the wheel on still) in which i refused too and requested to speak to the corporate office in which was a wrong number. P.S. the real manager JOSHUA later admitted using the 6 point key on a 12 point lug and said that he was the one who initially started taking the wheel off before handing it over to a first day on the job new worker and that the key has nothing to do with the lug nut. After feeling? nothing but frustrated I took my car to another mechanic in san diego ca who said he could get them off without damaging my wheel or my studs. I am currently looking for the corporate office contact on my own to address being fully compensated. I suggest if you must go to this tire company, to redirect your gps to the tire works on tropicana ave. You will get much more improved customer service.