A lot of people who think of this place "erotic heritage museum" aka Museum of Sex thinks this place will be filled with dildos and vaginas... And honestly, that is somewhat true.
This place really focuses on the history of sex and being more open minded about it. I can see it uses art as a way of expressing themselves and trying to prove a point - I like sex and it shouldn't be hidden. Of course, it says it in a tasteful, clean manner.
It does how clips of porn footage from different eras, but it's not the nitty gritty Jenna Jameson porn... More of the Charlie Chaplan and ok, one film with legendary porn actor John Homes type of stuff. It's actually not really sexy or a turn on - they didn't really... There was hair down there-eek.
There were also art pieces that were beautiful and expressive. I don't think people should be afraid or disgusted when they see a penis art or vagina art... It's simply art. You really need to keep an open mind when you come here or else you really won't fully enjoy it.
You see history... Sex practices used in ancient times and some may shock you. It's interesting to see how the image of sex has changed and transformed throughout the years.
I came here with girlfriends and we all just really were intrigued with this place. It's history and I think people who go to this place sees it like that and not as a sex shop.
Funny quirks of this place:
Next to a strip club - deja Vu
They not sell sex toys
They give out free condoms
In the back
Plenty of parking
Groups of 10+ $10