Both my children attended this school for years through the work-trade option for "full family thrival" (in quotes because this is specifically a phrase coined by the director herself). This option made an unreachable experience attainable and also gave me a community to be a part of. I loved being here so much I became a toddler teacher for the school for over a year! Through that, I saw the inner workings of the schoolhouse. Jennifer loves her students and is incredibly attentive to the whole family. She treats each student as an individual and integrates them into the classwork at their own pace. The students have stimulating days full of creative rhythm. The education here involves learning intricate songs relevant to daily life (days of the week, names of continents, gratitude for the Earth, just to name a few of the school's unique songs) and practical skills like setting their own place before snack, creative play like storytelling and painting, and plenty of sunshine tending to the garden and free play on the playground. Such a well-rounded education! Furthermore, I deeply appreciate Jennifer's attentiveness to food allergies and preferences. Many students followed strict diets set by their families. Jennifer respected those without judgement and shared conversation with the students about respecting each other's diets. My children have food allergies and she provided alternatives many times or gave me the option to bring our own alternatives. Many preschools do not have these options!! She gives 110% to her school house and the community supporting it. This place is truly magical and I strongly recommend it!