Ambiance: 3. Very close to a 4, Wileyville was warm and inviting on the corner of Flats East Bank project. Nice views of construction... Open view kitchen, which I'm always a fan.
Cost: 3. Yelp has Wiley as $$, but that's a stretch at least for dinner - most drinks are ~$10, and all entrees $20+. Layer on any other snacks are you're firmly at $30-50 a head. Admittedly, lunch looks more reasonable.
Food Quality: 4. Great appetizers - try the smoked chicken wings (best I've had in Cleveland outside of Greenhouse Tavern) or phat popcorn. Poutine also looked very good. Appetizers stole the show, although dessert was good (PBJ jellies). Both Hanger and Flank steaks were ok as dinners but fairly unmemorable.
Service: 3. Service was very helpful but restaurant was essentially dead on a Friday and our meal tended to drag on. At times it was "feast or famine" early on if waiter was around or not - make a decision.
When to return: Happy hour / for a snack. For handcrafted drinks. To spend far less money than you would at Ken Stewart's next door.