| - Do not conduct business with Associated Supply.
The sales representatives are overly aggressive, pushy, and will not take no for an answer. They will call, and call, and call again until they reach someone who "handles the printer supplies" at your business. They'll even call from different numbers to avoid screening via Caller ID or number-blocking services. If you do end up talking to them, they'll sound polite and make it sound like you'll get a good deal on some printer ink or toner, and even offer a 45-day satisfaction guarantee. But good luck if you refuse their offer or take them up on their satisfaction guarantee. You will get the runaround, they won't pick up, the calls will go to voicemail, and your emails will go unreplied. And they'll keep sending you invoices and threaten collection.
The products themselves are aftermarket, third-party ink and toner supplies. The prices from Associated Supply are not very competitive at all. A brief web search is all you really need to find the same type of supplies offered online elsewhere, for a cheaper price. But, best of all, if you buy from some other online retailer, you'll likely avoid the deplorable customer service from Associated Supply.
Unfortunately, most people probably won't even know about Associated Supply and their poor business practice until it's too late.