If it were possible to leave absolutely no stars or negative stars I would much rather do that, as it would be an accurate display of the type of customer service that a person receives when having dealings with this office. Not only is it like pulling teeth trying to obtain pertinent information in order to even schedule your appointment, but once you are in front of an actual person, you are given very little courtesy and are talked "at" instead of spoken with (meaning there is very little mutual listening and instead be talked over). There is zero guidance as to what is required to schedule an appointment yet when I attempted to make an appointment, I was given different information from three different individuals. It's frustrating to say the least, as gathering the documents in which they require means driving all over town.
I will acknowledge that this may be an isolated incident or may be true only if this office, but I'm almost positive that the manner in which business is conducted here is indicative of how Steinberg Diagnostics as a whole operates and treats its patients or soon-to-be-patients: poorly.