The first time I ordered- there was a LONG BLACK HAIR IN MY SANDWICH. It looked like it was spread into the bread along with the mayo... Sticking out end to end- gross!
I have a weird thing about HAIR being in my food so I literally stopped ordering there for several months until...
Second time I ordered- haunted by the "hair incident" I asked for mayo packets instead of the spread and even wrote a note in my order saying "please don't forget mayo packets!!!". I also ordered a drink and chips. Sandwich was delivered WITHOUT mayo packets or spread, NO chips and NO drink.
I called the manager to ask for a refund for the chips and drink. He said he processed the refund and sent the driver to deliver the items anyway, free of charge.
Never got the chips/drink and still haven't seen refund come thru, even after leaving messages for the manager. This was 2 weeks ago.