Attributes | Values |
| |
| |
data set
| |
Milk yield buffalo dairy cows D
| |
Economic size
| |
Total labour input
| |
Labour input
| |
Unpaid labour input
| |
Unpaid labour input
| |
Paid labour input
| |
Paid labour Input
| |
Total Utilised Agricultural Area
| |
Rented U.A.A.
| |
| |
Other field crops
| |
Energy crops
| |
Vegetables and flowers
| |
| |
Permanent crops
| |
| |
Olive groves
| |
Other permanent crops
| |
Forage crops
| |
Agricultural fallows
| |
Set aside
| |
Total agricultural...out of production
| |
Woodland area
| |
Total livestock units
| |
Dairy cows
| |
Cattle dairy cows
| |
Buffalo dairy cows
| |
Other cattle
| |
Sheep and goats
| |
| |
| |
Yield of wheat
| |
Yield of wheat D
| |
Yield of wheat N
| |
Yield of maize
| |
Yield of maize D
| |
Yield of maize N
| |
Stocking density
| |
Stocking density D
| |
Stocking density N
| |
Milk yield
| |
Milk yield D
| |
Milk yield N
| |
Milk yield cattle dairy cows
| |
Milk yield cattle dairy cows D
| |
Milk yield cattle dairy cows N
| |
Milk yield buffalo dairy cows N
| |
Total output
| |
Total output / Total input
| |
Total output / Total input D
| |
Total output / Total input N
| |
Total output crops & crop production
| |
Total crops output / ha
| |
Total crops output / ha D
| |
Total crops output / ha N
| |
| |
Protein crops
| |
Energy crops
| |
| |
Sugar beet
| |
Oil-seed crops
| |
Industrial crops
| |
Vegetables & flowers
| |
| |
Citrus fruit
| |
Wine and grapes
| |
Olives & olive oil
| |
Forage crops
| |
Other crop output
| |
Total output lives...ivestock products
| |
Total livestock output / LU
| |
Total livestock output / LU D
| |
Total livestock output / LU N
| |
Change in value of livestock
| |
Cows' milk & milk products
| |
Beef and veal
| |
| |
Sheep and goats
| |
| |
| |
Ewes' and goats' milk
| |
Other livestock & products
| |
Other output
| |
Farmhouse consumption
| |
Farm use
| |
Total Inputs
| |
Total intermediate consumption
| |
Total specific costs
| |
Specific crop costs / ha
| |
Specific crop costs / ha D
| |
Specific crop costs / ha N
| |
Seeds and plants
| |
Seeds and plants home-grown
| |
| |
Fertiliser N
| |
Fertiliser P2O5
| |