This place is a rarity in the used car buying arena. My wife and I were looking for a Prius plug in, and what we happened upon through private party was extraordinarily expensive. Through Craigslist we found Millenium Auto Network. They are a blip of the map driving down main st. In Mesa. They specialize in reliable Hondas and Toyotas and have a unique specialization in the Prius. My impression from the entire experience : They are honest , upfront and trustworthy. We got an immediate sense of pressure free relaxation through the whole experience. Almost like going to your favorite coffee shop or restaurant, were the owners know you personally. No pressure whatsoever. They put the prices so low and their financing is so good it's hard not to buy a car or truck from them. They even replaced a couple parts that were dented and cracked under the Prius we found the next morning free of charge. I am a great judge of people and these people are exceptional and should be the standard in the car buying business. The owner Brad and sales manager Randy are good honest family people and I whole heartedly give them 5 stars .