My tale of woe. I tried to get some basic office & financial information on a Thursday. Did not get a call back for 24 hours and should have gone with my gut reaction. My feeling with the scheduler was she had no patience for my questions but I scheduled anyway at their Thunderbird Road location. I got two emails confirming my appointment the following Monday at 10AM. Get to the office early to process new patient paperwork and find the office lights are off. Went to the dentists office next door and inquired if they knew of any reason for the doors to be locked. They said they see a few people go in from time to time but that is all they knew. Called the office number twice after 10AM wondering what happened. Did not get a return call until an hour later sort of apologizing for the mistake and saying it was the doctors fault that the office was closed. Apparently the staff neglected to tell him he had a patient is my feeling. Bad way to run any kind of a business in the valley where there is a lot of competition.