Please do not take your children to any Maxwell preschool Academy ever! My son was there for about 2 years and was in one classroom with a child who constantly picked on him and beat him up.
I was told by shannon that they tested the boy and he had behavioral problems. She stated they informed the parents but the parents didn't want to do anything about it and were in denial. I asked her if they do anything about it like kick the children out. she said that they don't do that but they try to work with the parents and get counselors in. But that never happened.
My son started to get restless in the three year old so I asked shannon to put him in with the 5. He had already learned everything and needed to be more challenged. She did put him in with the 5 year olds and he did great for some time.
But then one day they sent that child into the room with my son and that child stabbed my son with a pencil in the forehead. I had told Shannon that this is causing a big problem and that my son is starting to be aggressive at home. I told her she did not fix it that I would contact the board on them. She apologized profusely and advised that she would make sure it wouldn't happen again.
I have also found out from other teachers that if shannon has anything against the parent, she will pick on the child. And if the child says something to the parent she plays it off like Oh they're being kids and it's their fault. I am so glad we moved away and had to leave the school. Never again.