This shopper's has always had a magic spell on me. I don't know why, but it doesn't matter what I am looking for, if I go shopping for something specific...I always start at this shoppers. Doesn't matter what it is, it is like a right of passage that on any shopping quest, I MUST first step through it's sacred sliding doors into the soft scents that can only be the cosmetics section (rereading that I think I may need some help......)
In all honesty, I do think this is a great retail environment and not only because I seem to always need what shoppers has to offer. They really have it right on the retail environment. The layout is great, the visibility is amazing (it's always the brightest store) and the staff is friendly enough. It has everything and the mix of retail and pharmacy is great...what else are you going to do while waiting for the pharmacist to mix all the magical potions and call on the gods to create that coffee syrup (ok I'm not crazy but sometimes I do wonder why you have to wait for your prescription when the doctor wrote down the exact amount and the it the handwriting they are figuring's got to be so we have to shop around right???)?
In any event, I am possessive about this shoppers and glad that I got to review it first. If you're ever in the area, stop by, because I swear this specific shoppers has...everything......