These apartments have by far been the worst decision I have ever made. Let me explain: There is a cocaraoch infestation and I'm completely understanding that it happens, but when they haven't done anything about it in over 8 months that's where I draw the line.
Our A/C broke 3 days ago and we notified them right away, it took them 2 days for a technician to come out only to confirm that it was broken!(gee thanks we hadn't noticed) Finally the repairman said "yup, sure is broken, well I'll schedule for someone to come out in about a week or so to fix it."
? Is this a joke? It's the middle of April and currently 92 degrees outside!
We've never complained about anything, the apartments are cool, the people are nice we pay our rent a week in advance every month we've never had problems with management ever, but this whole A/C thing just takes the icing on the cake.
Moral of the story, please don't make the same mistake we made, for $900/month you could find a better place trust me!
Our lease ends in 2 weeks so seeyaaaaaa! :)