| - This review is specifically for the mac-n-cheese with jalapenos and bacon. It deserves its own review.
Every time I come to Lux, I glance past the mac-n-cheese. I mean, how exciting can American restaurant mac-n-cheese be? A customer sitting next to me at the bar ordered up a bowl. It looked pretty enticing. He asked if I ever had it before. I said no, and he looks me straight in the eyes and says "you gotta do it." By the tone of his voice, the mac-n-cheese must have been an experience.
So tonight I did it, but instead it done me...oh it done me. It done me good.
Beatles fans, holla if you hear me!
I learned to make proper "macaroni pie" from a West Indian friend. You slow-cook milk, cheese, onion, a bit of flour, salt, and pepper into a delicious, aromatic cheesy creamy white soup. Then you pour al-dente elbow pasta into a baking dish. Then you pour the creamy cheese soup deliciousness over the pasta. Then you layer shredded cheese on top and bake it all together. That's how you get tender, creamy mac-n-cheese. Lux knows the deal, and they took it up a notch by throwing jalapeno peppers and bacon into the mix.
As a baked mac-n-cheese chef trained under a West Indian macaroni pie sensei, I tip my hat to you, Lux. Well done.
Edited: A tip for Ms. Andrea O. Being a pleasant customer goes a long way. Being not-a-mega-bizatch works wonders for getting good service. It works for me. You may want to try it sometime. If you suffer from perma-scowl, you could draw a smiley face on a paper bag and place it over your head.