| - Star Rating: 2.5 because it is between "Meh. I've experienced better" and "A-Ok"
Long Winded Experience: I have been patronizing this establishment since I was in High School over ten years ago. Our favorite pizza of choice is the Buffalo Chicken Pizza. It's extremely delicious, but over the last ten years we have experienced lack-luster presentation and portions from Beach Pizza with this pizza specifically. They treat the chicken pieces like precious metals, sprinkling just a few bits here and there to add "sparkle" to what can only be called a Ranch/Cheese pizza, not a Buffalo Chicken Pizza. We've even asked, every time since the 2nd or 3rd time ordering it, for *extra* chicken. They go ahead and charge us $5 for extra chicken, but the pizza looks just like if you order it without extra chicken. It's completely disappointing and frustrating. The pizza is very delicious and a unique specialty pie, but is it worth $25 for an 18" pizza that only has a smattering of Buffalo Chicken on it? I think not. Sorry, Beach Pizza. You have a wonderful concept, and a talented team to pull it off, but you skimp on toppings that make the pizza. My friends and I have eaten our last of Beach Pizza.
TL;DR: Delicious Specialty Pizza, but lacks sufficient "Bang-for-your-buck" in the toppings department for the price and "Extra toppings" vanish into thin air as you pay for them.