| - I cannot say enough about this church and I don't know where to start!
Aside from the obvious, the church is utterly gorgeous, the people are what make this place truly spectacular. There is a widely diverse population at this church, which can be surprising to new visitors. There is a Buddhist group that meets here, a Sunday School class for LGBT and friends, and people of all colors. The minister here is Stephen Shoemaker and he is incredibly educated, intellectual and compassionate. He is a pillar in the faith community in Charlotte. The outreach of this church is also impressive. Service projects and taking care of thy neighbor abounds here.
There are great Sunday School classes for adults and children alike. The little ones often are found riding tricycles in the gym after SS and during the church service. There are sports teams, a gym, art classes, computer classes, etc... offered here. We have participated in many and loved them all.
They also have really great small group offerings-- interested in art? drinking beer at pubs? going to movies? and somehow tying this back into Christianity? Or maybe you want to be an earth keeper, a hiker or a yogi? They have it all.
My favorite thing about this church? No need to check your intellect at the door.