It's easy to understand where they get their name from. Truly the only thing better than BJ's Oreo Pazooki is going all the way. At first you start to question if it's as good as your neighbor Steve said it is. Luckily for you, your server just walked by to suggest taking a bite into the heavenly swirled Oreo mousse. Now that your world is completely upside down you find yourself contemplating other areas of your life that could use an Oreo Pazooki upgrade. Forgot that special anniversary? Oreo Pazooki. Your kids hamster just died? Oreo Pazooki. Uncle Dan is getting married for the third time? Oreo Pazooki. Have a pulse? Oreo Pazooki. Just remember kids, when life hands you grocery stores, you buy milk and reassure yourself that BJ's will be serving tins of greatness for you to eat your problems away. Except for student loans.. You'll be paying those off until you die and no Pazooki will save you from that.