I frequent this target all the time, and am generally satisfied with my experience. However, there is one thing that I find lacking each time I go there- and that, my friends, is the cart situation.
Cart situation? Is that a thing? I know I didn't even give it a thought until I had kids. With three children 2 and under, the cart situation has become the litmus test with which I judge stores. This target has a few carts with plastic seats attached to the back of them, but they are often unavailable when I look for them. If I'm lucky enough to get one of these primo carts, I'm still left with the question if what to do with the 3rd kid. If I put his car seat in the cart itself, there us no room to put anything that I came there to buy in the first place. For some reason their cares don't even have a rack below the cart to put boxes of diapers or toilet paper.
And I know I'm not the only one with these issues, as every time I'm in there it see other moms with the same predicament. Leave the small kids at home when shopping here...or risk looking like a maniac trying to wrangle them all while juggling a box of diapers and trying to scan your cartwheel barcode.