Triumph manages my property in Las Vegas as i live in another state and cant handle the issues from long distance. And they know it-they constantly over charge me for services rendered. What they do is field a phone call from the tenant and then call their favorite fix it company to do repairs. And those bills are high. A couple times, I challanged the bills and they split the costs. Once I had a tenant move out and they told me it would cost a bunch of money to change all the electrical cover plates, work in the bathroom, and replace the carpets. I flew down and had home depot replace the carpets for half the price they were going to charge. Also, there was nothing wrong with the bathroom for repairs and none of the electrical plates needed replacing. That trip saved me about $1000.
The final kicker is crazy. Last Year, Triumph decided to charge all the homeowners $75 for some sort of tax prep documentation for us. However, they said that they would waive that charge if we got on yelp, and 3 other web sites and gave them raving reviews. Really? Needless to say, I did not participate in that program, it wasn't worth the $75. I've heard from from other customers that they thought that they were being charged for services that were not actually done. Its just hard to prove when you live in another state. I plan to switch to a different property manager when this lease runs out.