It's okay for a chain. The menu is massive. Like lord of the rings trilogy massive as are the portions. My dishes were always decent but I always ended up spending any from 20-30 dollars.
I ran into some slight problems though when attempting to buy cheesecake for my roommate. I don't eat cheesecake and when I ask the man... hmm I mean apathetic adolescent behind the counter which cheesecake he'd recommend he seemed a little annoyed by my question and without looking at me said he didn't like cheesecake. Fine whatever. Maybe they stashed him behind that particular counter so he wouldn't be tempted to nibble away at the confections. So I deferred to the girl next to him. Apparently she didnt like cheesecake either and had no opinions on the matter. The worker behind her same situation. Thanks for all the help. In the end i made the decision with the help of another patron.