| - This is an update to a review I wrote right after seeing Dr. Dooley for the first time. I love her and found that she was so compassionate and caring. But I suffered with colitis for a year because I had been misdiagnosed by her. I got sicker and sicker over the course of my treatment with her. She stuck with her diagnosis of "emotional detoxing" and I accepted that blindly. After about a year of frequent visits, massive doses of pills, more and more deterioration in my health, I saw my MD. She was alarmed at my condition. I had lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, was diagnosed with "fecal incontinence" and my electrolytes were at life-threatening levels. I was seen by a gastroenterologist that afternoon on an emergency basis, had a colonscopy and endoscopy a few days later. I had microscopic colitis, only found through a biopsy. I also had stomach erosion from being on hydrochloroic acid for a year, prescribed by Dr. Dooley. I began medical treatment immediately and began to recover. When I tried to talk to Dr. Dooley about it, she defended her diagnosis and never once took any accountability. Had she been willing to own her mistake, I could've maybe continued seeing her. My husband also saw her during this time and ended up with stomach erosion, as well, from too-harsh digestive supplements. We spent a fortune that year and neither of us got better. In fact, I got much worse. I fault myself for not questioning the diagnosis and treatment sooner. I went downhill for a year and never once called my MD until it was a crisis. I have hesitated to write this because Melonni is the kindest woman, so willing to be there for her patients and I didn't want to hurt her practice. But I have been encouraged to update this and be balanced about it. She is a love as a person and I do love her. If you see her, please stay on top of your own health if you are not getting better pretty soon.