My boyfriend and I decided on a gender reveal in July. Unfortunately, since we're still brand new to the Vegas we wouldn't be able to get a scheduled Ultrasound visit through our OB/GYN in time for our party.
That's when we decided to check out Miracles in Progress. They have an awesome Yelp deal so definitely put it to use.
Upon arriving the lady at the front desk greeted me and had me fill at a form. My package came with a CD of what was seen on my ultrasound along with a choice of music to choose from. The waiting room was beautifully set up. I maybe waited around for 5 minutes or so before they called me back into the ultrasound room. Now these rooms aren't like your typical doctors offices. It was a very LARGE room with sofas, dimmed lights, and a 60" (or more) screen TV which we would be viewing our ultrasound on. And the bed I laid on was very comfortable. My ultrasound tech was very nice and every once in awhile would lightly push on my tummy to get baby awake and moving. You should've seen! Baby was hopping and jumping around like crazy! It was very entertaining! Once it was time to check out the gender she would turn off the TV to keep it a surprise, printed out the ultrasound picture with the gender and placed it in an envelope. She then turned the TV back on and continued on with out appointment. I would say we were in the room for a good 15-20 minutes. Not too sure what the other reviews meant by being felt "rushed"?
We returned back in the waiting room and a few minutes later my CD and pictures were ready for me to take home. I absolutely loved how they came out! The silhouette of my baby was very pronounced and I could even see my baby's little nose and ears. Again, I'm kinda confused with the other reviews saying that they had horrible quality photos. I mean, your baby is still developing. The pictures aren't gonna turn out looking like Mona Lisa. These photos are strictly for ENTERTAINMENT purposes.
Anyways, I'll definitely be returning. Maybe closer to the ending of my pregnancy.