| - I feel sorry for the bakery employees of Copps. Apparently, it is a soul crushing, nightmarish job to work in the bakery. I say this because, just like the Copps on the other side of town, the ladies who work in the bakery are unfriendly, nasty little trolls who clearly feel put upon when you ask for their help, that is, if you can successfully get their attention. I had a lady at this particular bakery wait on me to order a cake, and she apparently didn't like my design. As she filled out the form she kept saying "really?? Are you sure???" There wasn't anything too difficult, or out of the ordinary about it. It wasn't like I was ordering a cake made of meat with glitter on top. When I came to pick it up a week later, she told me that if someone got her a cake that looked like this, she would cry.
If there were to be a next time, I would strongly consider ordering the glittery meat cake. She'd probably need counseling to get over that one.