| - This is a tough one to give a review on. Do I give it from my perspective, the 13 year old's, or a little of both?!
This is not just a school.. They make money based off of the classes.. yes. But, they also receive a commission from the end work the kid receives too. There is incentive for them to succeed if they fulfill all of the training. We decided to go ahead with this as it is training the the 13 year old really enjoys, and it is information that we cannot teach her ourselves. We thought about - well, just get her books to read.. I think when it comes to acting, modeling, etc, it is better to receive that kind of training in person.
The payment plans are reasonable - the percentage of interest is a bit high - there is no penalty for paying it off early. If, for some reason, you can no longer continue financially, you are under no obligation either. I wanted to make sure all loop holes were closed prior to getting involved with something like this, and I wanted to make sure there was a form of "out". I feel very comfortable with the arrangements.
The 13 year old seems to really enjoy it. Just having the knowledge of how to do makeup is.. to be quite frankly honest.. not even something the GF can teach her as she is clueless herself and openly admits it.
I would say don't feel rushed - do what we did and schedule our own time to come back for the paperwork signing. We took our time to read through the material and create a list of questions when we got back. Don't feel obligated to anything, and if you're not comfortable at the end of it, walk out and be done. Even they are right up front with it - they don't want to waste your investment if your kid is not 100% committed to the program.