DO NOT GO HERE IF YOU REQUIRE THE ASSISTANCE OF A SERVICE/GUIDE DOG! They do not know the laws-demanded I show the "proper paperwork required by the state of Arizona" before I could enter with my epilepsy and low blood sugar alert Service Dog. My service dog is task trained to assist me, has been professionally trained through a highly respected training program and we have been a working team for 2+ years. They tried to tell me about a law that doesn't even exist and TOTALLY violated the Americans With Disabilities Act. The weren't even willing to listen or read what the laws regarding Service Dogs actually are. ITS ILLEGAL FOR A BUSINESS TO ASK A SERVICE DOG HANDLER FOR ANY KIND OF PAPERWORK because legally, THERE IS NONE. They ultimately denied me access to their business because I use a Service Dog and know my rights..ALSO ILLEGAL. The manager told me if I go buy my REAL SERVICE DOG a FAKE, SCAM registration on the Internet, then they would let us in and buy my friends and I our drinks...uh no thanks. I know my rights and to the people running this company; I suggest you do some research and educate your employees.