Though I do try to avoid full-priced book stores (especially since I have an iRewards card at Indigo) I have to say this is one of the most gorgeous book shops in the city - hands down.
The high, wooden shelves are lined with carefully-picked titles and no shelf or table is over-stocked. Each book is visible by its front cover which allows for pure browsing enjoyment! Nicholas Hoare offers a wide selection of cook books, travel books, literature, non-fiction (current affairs etc.), and stunning hard-cover books. Toward the back are a few cozy couches where shoppers can relax and flip through titles before making a purchase.
On my most recent visit to this shop I over-heard a highly-knowledgeable employee offering useful advice, personal anecdotes and historical information to a number of customers. This personal attention and genuine love of books is harder to find in the big chain stores.