At least one member of the nurse staff is very lazy. I had a very serious lung disease that needed a pulmonoscopy to diagnose the cause. We were told by desert pulminary that they were waiting on the hospital to have them schedule the procedure. My wife had just gotten off the phone with the hospital prior to talking to desert pulmonary and the hospital said they had not heard from desert pulmonary. Not only is she lazy, but a liar too.
The front office is a joke. They have the most obnoxious guy working at the front desk. He is loud and very unprofessional in discussing his personal life in front of all the patients.
Dr Ahmed was pretty lame too. He had no idea what my problem was and could give me no information or direction on what to do next.
Avoid these guys. Go to Mayo. The Mayo clinic is very friendly, exceedingly professional and the doctor diagnosed my problem the first time around.