| - I consider this a must-visit if you are a serious fan of the History Channel's show "Pawn Stars".
So the guys from the show are supposed to be here M - F from 9am to 3pm/5pm ish. BUT do NOT expect them to be in the showing area. The show has become so popular now that they will likely be in the back room doing stuff or playing Solitaire. Seriously, the best you get may be a picture against their cardboard cutouts. Understandable - heck, I'd be annoyed spending all day taking pics with random tourists. Even the bouncer was annoyed after the third (yes, third) time I asked him to take a pic.
Nevertheless, you see some cool items here. A $200,000 sword owned by Chris Columbus, the $100,000 or so NE Patriots ring, Faberge spiders for $15,000 a piece, the old school barber chair, etc etc.
I brought a gold necklace to "pawn" (well, not really), but the line was maybe 5 or 10 minutes, so I didn't bother. Was just for kicks anyways.
No cover to get in. They sell tourist paraphernalia.
While you won't get to see the crew from the show (at least not very likely), the other staff is very fun and helpful in explaining the history and value of all the items displayed.