Day five of my journey to get my carpets cleaned. Friday show up at my door because they wrote the wrong number down and were unable to contact me. Reschedule for Saturday and they send a truck out that is unable to reach my apartment. Saturday round 2, send a truck with the same equipment that was unable to reach my apartment. Call office girl who made mistakes refuses to talk to me. Reschedule for Tuesday and I waste my entire day off waiting. Quoted 2-5 and I get a call saying that they are going to be 45 minutes because they were on the other side of the city (@4:30 5 minutes before the 30 minutes they quoted when we called to confirm). But it's ok because when they screwed up on Saturday they assured me it wasn't my fault which I'm sure they will tell me again. THANK GOD...I have to sleep at night and all. So here I am 40 minutes after they quoted me 45 more. All I want is my damn carpets cleaned......if you don't mind wasting 2 of your days off and a lot of patience call them, their prices aren't bad. But if you value your time rent a machine and do it yourself. At least you'll know it was worth it and the only person holding you back is in fact you.