I would not recommend this taxi company to anyone. I needed a taxi form square one normally a $10 fair I needed a van to accommodate my wife, infant son myself my wife's walker and sons stroller and groceries from the Walmart so I picked out van 555 which was the first van behind a number of sedans never a word of an extra charge for use of a van until I was dropped off at my doorstep and my stuff unloaded while he did help unload he kept the meter running while doing so I asked how much I owed the meter said 11.50 when I arrived and 12.50 after everything was unloaded then he said that the fair was $20 when I tried t dispute that based on what the meter had said.i didn't want to make a scene in front of my neighbours and went in and called the company directly every time I called management was never in the office to help resolve my issue the real question is what was he charging me to help load the stroller or the walker both illegal to do I am planning to take it up with the city