This is actually not the first time I have been here this is a solving of something that had happened auto body wise back in June of 2016 and getting it solved by the person who is the supervisor there. Great guy. Rating will go up as progress continues.
Getting there so far so good. Car is almost ready to pick up. Might have it Wednesday after work.
Body shop doing excellent job so far.
Treatment this time around second to none.
Justin and his staff top rated took care of my needs when it fit our schedule. Hats off to the teamwork and quality of service town and country has shown me after the sale.
Even the place to eat in there asks me where my daughter is when we go. Mike McPhearson the service man is also top notch.
My dad told me to never buy a ford but since they rebuilt they are a class company.
Wish they would get back to me so I can get new tires!!!